Friday, July 5, 2019

Dangerous Summer Air Quality Issues

Most homeowners assume when spring ends, their allergy and breathing issues are over. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Air quality in the summer can be hazardous, indoors and out. What summer pollutants need to be eliminated from your home?


A primary contributor to poor outdoor air quality in the summer is ozone. This gas isn’t harmful when it remains high above the earth, but when it descends it can cause severe symptoms, aggravating allergies, and causing shortness of breath, asthma flare-ups, chest pain, and even lung damage. News centers often recommend remaining indoors with heating and cooling systems running during times when ozone levels are high. Unfortunately, when you retreat to your sealed home, some ozone infiltrates, and even more air quality hazards await. However, there are ways you can control these common summer indoor air quality issues.

Allergens & Pollutants

Indoor air in the home is packed with pollutants in the summer. These include pollen from the assortment of greenery that thrives in the summer weather; increased dander from pets shedding their winter coats; ever-present dust and dust mites; harmful emissions from cars, trucks, boats, power plants, industrial manufacturing facilities; and VOCs from chemical cleaners and the breakdown of home furnishings.
This laundry list of pollutants causes poor indoor air quality. Repeated exposure can cause adverse health effects ranging from inflammatory responses and allergen and asthma flare-ups to lung, heart, and brain health issues, to name just a few. Fortunately, you can remove these pollutants from the air quickly and easily with whole house indoor air quality systems with HEPA filtration. A huge step up from inexpensive box store fiberglass air filters, true HEPA filters easily remove harmful pollutants from the air throughout your home. Paired with a UV air purifier, mold, mildew, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms can also be destroyed, helping you breathe easy indoors when ozone levels are high outside.


In the summertime, humidity levels both outdoors and indoors soar. These high humidity levels can lead to mold and mildew proliferation inside your home if left unaddressed, and symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, sinus congestion, coughing and sneezing, breathing issues, and more. It is not possible for your air conditioner alone to remove excess levels of moisture from your air in the summer. If you experience these symptoms and your home feels uncomfortably sticky in the summer, a whole house dehumidifier can help, keeping your home in the optimal range of 30-60% relative humidity, ensuring health and comfort.
You spend most of your time indoors. Ensure a safe and healthful home with the help of your local heating and air service. Schedule an indoor air quality evaluation with H&H Heating & Air Conditioning today.

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