Tuesday, November 17, 2015

6 Ways to reduce heating costs this winter

We all love coming home to a warm and cozy home when the winter weather arrives but the strain it adds on our wallets makes this a bittersweet arrangement. Home heating during the cold winter months can add a whole lot more to our monthly energy bill and most homeowners are on the hunt for savings. If you want to reduce your heating costs this winter, here are six ways you can go about it.

1.      Timing matters

A simple and effective way of reducing the cost of heating your home is using a programmable thermostat to program when your heating will be on and off. Programming your heating unit around your schedule such as turning it up half an hour prior to waking up and turning it down an hour after you go to bed will ensure that you conserve energy on heating the room while you are asleep. Similarly you can plan to heat your home in accordance with the time you will be spending in it, leaving you with a comfortable environment without the trouble of manually turning the heating up and down.

2.      Keep it efficient

Aside from making minor changes in the settings of your thermostat, it is also worth evaluating the efficiency of your air conditioning unit. If you find that your air conditioner isn’t working as it used to or face problems which add up to hefty repair bills, perhaps it’s time to let go of your unit. Contact your heating and air conditioning company to see the latest energy saving heaters.

3.      DIY changes around your home

Minor changes around your home that won’t take much out of your day are also a great option for homeowners looking to save on heating. Basic changes such as opening blinds and curtains during the daylight hours as well as removing any objects which may come in the way of maximum sunlight can add natural heat to your home. Similarly, closing the blinds and curtains at night will conserve the heat inside. Another trick to employ is regularly dusting and vacuuming your heat ducts to ensure the heat is circulating effectively. Lastly, seal up any holes or cracks in and around your home to prevent the heat from escaping.

4.      The added warmth

Aside from your heating and air conditioning unit, the added extras such as electric blankets go a long way in contributing to the cosy atmosphere around your home. Electric blankets are a great way of keeping your bed toasty while also taking some of the pressure off the heating unit.

5.      Professional satisfaction

Aside from al the DIY work, calling in the professional to check if your heating unit and ducts are functioning efficiently is definitely worth it. Technicians from your local heating and air conditioning company are best equipped with the knowledge to maximize your savings this winter.

If you’re tired of extensive heating costs during winter, contact H&H Heating and Airconditioning, your local specialists in all things HVAC.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Guide to Radiant underfloor heating in Southeast Pennsylvania

Radiant floor heating is a popular option in new construction, but design advances have made your local heating and air conditioning company able to retrofit your home as well.
Your home, weathering the cold winters in Southeast Pennsylvania, needs reliable and affordable heating systems. Radiant floor heating adds comfort, regulates temperatures, keeps your indoor air cleaner, and is more economical and efficient.
Adds Comfort
A hydronic radiant underfloor heating system adds comfort by heating your floors. It feels more comfortable as heat is continuously being delivered straight to the floor. Since your floor in no longer cold, it’s not drawing the heat away from the rest of the room, like it will with forced air systems.
Using radiant floor heat, all the surfaces in your room are now heated, like furniture and rugs, resulting in more efficient temperature regulation. Also, without forced air, there are no return or supply ducts, resulting in a less drafty home.
More Economical
Radiant underfloor heating is more economical because it doesn’t have to continuously cycle on and off. When heat cycles on and off, the room feels cool one moment and too hot the next. Radiant underfloor heating eliminates this by maintaining steady temperatures.
Keeps Your Indoor Air Clean
In addition to radiant heat being more efficient and less drafty, it will make your home cleaner. There’s no forced air blowing dust and allergens around your home, making it easier for you to breathe. Also, the radiant heat method won’t dry out the air in your home like a forced air system or a radiator will. Your home will be a healthier environment all around for you and your family.
Installing Radiant Heating
New construction makes it easy to install a hydronic radiant floor heating system. Retrofitting an existing home has become much easier as well. A heating and air conditioning company will install flexible plastic tubing, called PEX, that fit either under or within the floor. The PEX tubing carries warm water into specific rooms, heating the area thoroughly.
Radiant Underfloor Heating and Geothermal Systems
Radiant underfloor heating is becoming more popular because of the expanded use of geothermal heat pumps. Geothermal is an effective method for powering your radiant heat system, using the earth’s natural, constant temperature to easily deliver the hot water needed for constant temperature regulation and efficient warming. When you use a geothermal pump in conjunction with a radiant system, cooling is also available in warmer months. Keep in mind the radiant method can be used with your existing heating system too.
Is Radiant Heat Right For Your Home?
It’s important to consult with your heating and air conditioning professionals to ensure your home is a good candidate for hydronic radiant heating. Your floors are an important consideration. Tile floors work well. Wood floors would have to be evaluated to ensure it can handle the changes heating and cooling cause. It’s also important to use professionals to ensure insulation is properly placed to avoid heat transfers to areas like under the refrigerator, cold storage areas, and cold water lines.
Make sure radiant underfloor heating is a good choice for your home by consulting with a professional heating contractor, who will answer any questions and address all considerations.

The Various Options when it comes to Heating your Home

With winter weather comes the need to keep your home nice and warm. But with so many options to choose from, it can be a bit difficult, if not frustrating, to make the best choice for your home. Whether your home simply needs a new heat source or if you’re in the process of building or renovating, you can rest assured that one of these heating options from your HVAC company will make an excellent fit for your home:
Natural Gas Heating
Natural gas furnaces are one of the most popular ways of keeping your home warm throughout the winter months. Easy and relatively affordable to install, natural gas provides a safe and cost-effective source of fuel to use for your heating needs. If you already have appliances that use natural gas, such as a stove or clothes dryer, you can also install a natural gas furnace.
Oil Heating
Oil-fired systems been historically popular in many areas of the northeastern U.S.             Oil Fired systems can be more expensive to purchase compared to their natural gas counterparts, Oil-fired systems  are often more expensive to fuel than comparable gas furnaces.
Electric Heating
Electric heating systems are ideal for homes that can’t accommodate gas or oil-fired heating systems. A typical electric heating system can act as a primary source of heat (in the form of a whole-home furnace) or as a form of supplemental heat for other heating systems. Despite being highly efficient under most circumstances, the cost of using electric heat can vary depending on the current cost of electricity in your area.
 Air-Source Heat Pumps
Air-source heat pumps work on the same principle as a typical air conditioner, except in reverse. Instead of absorbing indoor heat and moving it outdoors, a heat pump operating on heat mode absorbs latent heat found in outdoor air and moves it indoors.
Heat pumps are relatively efficient and affordable. However, standard efficient models are best suited to mild climates where temperatures don’t drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit that often. For those unexpectedly chilly moments, most heat pumps offer an alternate form of heat, such as an electric heater, to help shoulder the load on demanding days. With new Variable Speed Compressor technology High Efficient Heat pumps can work efficiently down to 10 degrees Fahrenheit outside and can be a very good investment for people living in northern climates
Hybrid Heat
Or Dual Fuel systems take two fuel sources to be efficient. A HYBRID HEAT system combines the strengths of  fossil fuels such as oil or gas furnaces and combines them with an electric heat pump to deliver the comfort and efficiency you need year-round to give you more control over your utility bills.
Geothermal Heating
Geothermal heat pumps are the latest trend in home heating. What’s so unique about this system is that it uses the ground beneath your feet to provide your home with efficient and effective heat. Geothermal heat pumps work the same way a typical heat pump does, except it absorbs latent heat found within the earth and brings it back to your home.
Geothermal heating systems are among the most expensive of your home heating options, but the initial cost of installing an open loop or closed loop geothermal heating system can be offset by the savings it offers each year. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a typical geothermal heat pump uses up to 50 percent less electricity than conventional heating systems.
Boiler-Based Heating
Boiler-based heating systems, including steam radiators, hydronic baseboard system and underfloor radiant heating systems, rely on hot water or steam for delivering effective warmth. Although boiler-based heating systems are more complex and require a greater level of upkeep than other conventional heating systems, they’re relatively efficient and capable of using a wide range of fuels, including natural gas and electricity.
Your local Heating and Air Conditioning Company would be able to go over the merits of each of these options for your particular situation and help you choose the best option.