Monday, June 28, 2021

Steps for Inspection Before You Turn on Your Air Conditioner

Is your air conditioner ready for heavy summer use? Pre-season prep is essential before moderate spring weather transitions to hot summer days to make sure you don’t end up hot around the collar waiting on emergency air conditioning service. Get your system ready for heavy use in the days ahead, ensuring comfort all season long.

Steps For Inspection Before Turning On Your Air Conditioner 

  1. Clean the (outdoor) condenser unit.

Clear the area surrounding all sides of your condenser unit of debris and vegetation. Anything that blocks airflow surrounding your system can negatively impact performance and efficiency. Anything that makes its way into internal components can also damage your system.

  1. Verify the condition of the refrigerant line insulation.

Any lines not completely insulated must be repaired by professional air conditioning companies.

  1. Inspect wiring.

Look for signs of damaged or disconnected wiring, addressing problem areas before turning on your air conditioner.

  1. Check the power switch.

Start at the main power switch outside your home, making sure your air conditioning system is turned on.

  1. Check the circuit breakers.

Circuit breakers should be in the ON position.

  1. Inspect drain lines.

Make sure your drain lines aren’t dirty or clogged. If things aren’t looking so good, contact your local air conditioning service pro to have the lines professionally cleaned.

  1. Examine ductwork.

Look for cracks and disconnections in exposed ductwork throughout your home that could cause loss of airflow and cooling efficiency. Have these professionally repaired now to ensure comfort and energy-efficient performance throughout the summer season.

  1. Change your home air filter.

Starting with a new air filter at the start of every season ensures optimal performance and indoor air quality. Don’t forget to change your filter regularly throughout the season, at least every three months – and more often if you have pets.

  1. Check air vents.

Make sure the air vents throughout your home are  open, clean, cobweb-free, and unobstructed. Vacuum off dust, hair, and debris and remove furnishings and draperies blocking airflow through supply and return registers.

  1. Consider a thermostat upgrade.

If your thermostat looks like it’s been around since the dark ages, consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. Smart programmable thermostats are extremely affordable and can save you significant money annually on cooling costs. Many of today’s models do the work for you, keeping your home more comfortable while improving performance by adjusting temperature settings for when your home is not in use.

Monitor Your System After Turning It On

After adjusting the temperature to your desired setting and turning your air conditioner on at the thermostat:

  • Go outside and verify the fan in the condensing unit is running
  • Listen for strange sounds. Check for the exhaust of warm air from your home.
  • Let the system run for 10-15 minutes, verifying your system is cooling your home.

Set the stage for a cool, comfortable summer with help from your local AC company. Contact H & H Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule annual air conditioner maintenance today.

This blog was originally posted on

Monday, June 21, 2021

Common Issues with AC Compressors

Your air compressor is like the heart of your AC unit, circulating the refrigerant necessary for heat exchange through the system. Our skilled ac repair contractors know it is arguably the most important – and definitely the most expensive – component of your home air conditioner. Without it, your system cannot cool your home and keep you comfortable.

How Your AC Compressor Works

Powered by a motor, your AC compressor raises the temperature and pressure of gaseous refrigerant in the system, increasing it to move heat from the evaporator coil inside your home to the outdoor condenser coil. As the condenser cools down the hot refrigerant, turning the refrigerant vapor into a liquid, heat is released. The process is repeated, exchanging heat until your home reaches the desired temperature.

Common Causes Of AC Compressor Problems

Your AC compressor is an expensive component of your system – but not all causes of compressor issues require costly fixes. That’s why scheduling fast home ac repair service for potential compressor issues is critical. What common AC compressor issues should you watch out for?

  1. Dirty coils

Our HVAC system technicians frequently respond to calls for dirty coils. When filth builds up on this system component, the system can’t release enough heat. Over time, increased heat and pressure in the system lead to compressor failure.

  1. Too much refrigerant

If an unqualified HVAC contractor fills your system with too much refrigerant (or the wrong refrigerant), permanent damage to your AC compressor could result.

  1. Refrigerant leaks

When system components wear out and leaks cause refrigerant levels to drop, your system has to work harder to push freon through the system, eventually wearing out the compressor.

  1. Improper oil lubricant levels

As with refrigerant, when too much or not enough oil is used, compressor damage could result.

  1. Improperly sized suction lines

An inexperienced technician installing improperly sized suction lines can cause premature compressor failure.

  1. Blocked suction lines

Blocked suction lines will limit the cooling capacity of your air conditioner. If left unchecked, the increase in pressure and temperature could lead to premature compressor failure.

  1. Electrical issues

Electrical issues like acid buildup, damaged fuses, and worn wiring can cause permanent compressor damage. However, these issues are easily thwarted with a routine annual air conditioning system inspection.

Don’t Ignore These Signs Of AC Compressor Failure

  • HVAC system blows warm air
  • Compressor doesn’t turn on/clutch not moving
  • Vibration at system startup
  • Strange or loud noises from the outdoor unit
  • Circuit breaker frequently trips when AC is running (compressor drawing excess current)

Don’t wait to address signs of AC compressor failure. Fixing the underlying problem is far less costly than AC compressor or system replacement.

Are you looking for local HVAC companies to determine if your compressor is failing you? Contact H & H Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule fast, affordable service today.

This blog was originally posted on

Monday, June 14, 2021

Freon Leaks need Quick Attention

Our air conditioning contractors know not all service problems are created equal. Among the worst issues your system can suffer: A freon leak. The refrigerant, or freon, in your system is what makes cooling your home possible. It’s such an essential part of a well-functioning AC system, the longer you wait to address a shortage of freon, the greater the risk of serious damage to your cooling unit. Prompt service is essential when you detect a freon leak. But you have to realize you have a leak in order to have your system serviced, and homeowners frequently overlook the warning signs.

What Does Freon Do?

Your system is filled with freon as part of your AC installation service. The evaporation and condensation process of the refrigerant is what allows your system to provide cooling. The refrigerant removes heat from the air in the house by absorbing it via the evaporator coil (in your indoor unit). It is then sent to the condenser coil, where it is condensed to release that heat outside. The process is repeated as many times as necessary to reach the temperature setting on your thermostat. If your AC unit is leaking refrigerant, it’s going to struggle to cool your home.

Signs Your AC System Is Leaking Freon

If you notice any of the symptoms, it’s time for immediate AC repair and service:

  • Hissing sounds from the outdoor unit
  • Frozen evaporator coils
  • Decreased cooling performance
  • Short cycling (system turns off and on repeatedly)
  • Higher electric bills

Refrigerant Leaks Cause Big Problems

Running your system on too little freon means you’re paying a lot for less cooling performance. Worse,  running your air conditioner when it is low on freon can cause irreversible compressor damage and result in the need for AC system replacement.

What Causes Freon Leaks?

When our emergency air conditioning service technicians address house calls for freon leaks, age and worn-out system components are the top problems. Everything wears out over time – and your AC system has lots of moving parts that can wear, corrode, or fail, resulting in a leak. A trained HVAC technician can quickly detect the source of the problem, checking common locations like valves, joints, refrigerant lines, coils, accumulators, flare connections, capillary tubes, and other likely components.

Solutions For Refrigerant Leaks

In many cases, your local HVAC pro will identify the source of the leak for repairs. But in some situations, your system may be so old and inefficient, or the part so expensive, upgrading to a new, more energy-efficient air conditioner may make more financial sense.

Keep your system in peak condition with help from an HVAC company that has your back. H & H Heating & Air Conditioning never charges extra for emergency HVAC service – we offer the same affordable rates no matter when your system goes down. If you suspect a leaking system – don’t wait. Contact us to schedule service today.

This blog was originally posted on

Monday, June 7, 2021

Your HVAC can be Aging You. Combat AC Effects on Your Skin

Your air conditioner is your favorite appliance in the summer, combatting the blistering heat with a blast of cool air. Despite how great all that cool air makes you feel, sometimes the effects of AC aren’t entirely wonderful. Air conditioning can have a negative impact on your skin. What skin problems can your cooling system create?

Air Conditioning Causes Dry Skin

Air conditioning contractors know removing humidity from the air is one of the things your cooling system does to improve comfort in your home. But this same effect can also rob your skin of moisture, making it dry. If this dryness persists, eventually it will reach your skin’s inner layers, resulting in tight, flaky, itchy dry skin and chapped, peeling lips.

Dry, Cool Air Inhibits Oil Production

Your AC system keeps you cool and comfortable, preventing you from sweating. This not only diminishes your body’s ability to eliminate toxins but reduces the production and speeds the evaporation of oils on your skin, leading it to look dehydrated, dull, and unhealthy.

AC Can Aggravate Skin Disorders

The drying effects of air conditioning can aggravate or worsen skin conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea.

Air Conditioning Can Result In Premature Aging

If you fail to replace the moisture lost through your skin due to the drying effects of air conditioning, it can make your skin more prone to wrinkling and creasing. Over time it could lead to premature aging as moisture loss weakens the elastic properties of your skin.

How To Protect Your Skin Without Turning Off The AC

Just the thought of aging as a result of using your air conditioner probably has you itching to call for emergency air conditioning service intervention. Fortunately, there are many simple things you can do to protect your skin from the negative impacts of AC so you can still enjoy using your system through summer’s scorching temperatures:

  • Keep your body hydrated, drinking 8+ glasses of water each day.
  • Regularly apply moisturizer to rehydrate and protect your skin.
  • Take regular breaks from cold, air-conditioned spaces.
  • Install a humidifier to improve air quality and keep the air in your home from becoming too dry.

Do You Need A Humidifier? Your Home Is Suffering Like Your Skin

Humidity is best at levels between 40-60%. When humidity levels in your home or too low, your home will also show the symptoms of dry air. Gaps and cracks will appear in your furnishings, flooring, and structural materials, as they do in your skin, and static electricity will be a frequent annoyance.

Fight the negative impacts of your home environment and stay comfortable with help from your local air conditioning service. Contact H & H Heating & Air Conditioning to improve indoor air quality and comfort in your home today.

This blog was originally posted on