Friday, September 27, 2019

Do I have a Dual Fuel System?

Not sure if you have a dual fuel heating and cooling system? Most homes feature either a gas-powered or heat-pump system with an electric heating backup. However, some homeowners enjoy the best of both worlds, employing the benefits of dual-fuel systems.

What is a Dual Fuel HVAC System?

Dual fuel systems deliver superior performance and efficiency by combing the best of gas furnace and heat pump technology. In dual fuel systems, both components share ductwork to distribute heated and cooled air throughout your home. In the summer and mild spring and fall weather, the heat pump provides the most efficient and least costly means of home comfort. In ideal conditions, heat pumps can transfer 300% more energy than they consume. In the coldest winter months (below 35-degrees), when heat pump systems are less efficient, the heat pump shuts off and the furnace takes over, delivering 90% efficiency on average.

How To Tell If You Have A Dual Fuel System

The easiest way to determine if you have a dual fuel system is to ask your local heating system repair company. However, it may be possible to determine this without a service call. The first place to look for this information is on the metal box inside or outside your home that controls your HVAC system. The model number on the faceplate of this unit, typed into a quick Google search, can help you uncover your system type. In addition to checking this panel, identifying key components of your HVAC system can help you determine what type of heating and cooling you have in your home.

Gas & Electric HVAC Identifiers

Setting your thermostat to engage heating and cooling, respectively, can help you identify your system. Here’s what to look for:
  • Gas
    Gas-powered heating units use a heat exchanger or burner produce heat. When you’re running the heat, check for the presence of a small blue flame glowing through the window at the front of your system. You will likely hear the noise of gas-powered systems in operation as well. These indicators point to the presence of gas-powered heat.
  • Heat Pump with Electric Heat Backup
    Heat pumps are typically powered by electricity. Heat pump components move heat from one place to the other based on the season. If you see brass pipes (the reversing valve) when looking inside the grill of your outdoor unit, you may have a heat pump. When temperatures plummet below the system’s capacity to effectively move heat, an electric heating element provides backup (emergency) heat to keep your home to temperature. These heating elements work similar to a radiator and don’t have a flame.
Have both? You may have a dual fuel HVAC system.
Clear up dual fuel confusion. Schedule an annual air conditioning service and maintenance and get your questions answered with H & H Heating & Air Conditioning today.

This blog was originally posted on

Friday, September 20, 2019

Is Upgrading My HVAC Worth the Expense?

With today’s climate and temperature extremes, your heating and air conditioning system has certainly seen some hardworking days. But is it past its prime? While maintenance can boost the performance and efficiency of your current system, heating and cooling units more than 10-years old are nowhere near as efficient as today’s high-efficiency models. Could an HVAC upgrade be worth the expense?

Tips for Determining When it’s Time for an HVAC Upgrade

Many older systems don’t work as well as they should. Coupled with advances in technology and efficiency, you could be spending a lot on electric costs monthly. These added expenditures could easily be used to pay off a new HVAC system, lowering your monthly energy bills. How can you determine if upgrading your HVAC system could be beneficial for your home? Answering these questions could help you decide:
  • How Cool/Warm Do You Prefer Your Home?
    If you weren’t trying to control your energy costs, how much more comfortable would you be on summer’s hottest days and winter’s coldest ones if you could set your thermostat to a more favorable temperature?
  • How Sensitive are You to Noise?
    Do you get tired of listening to your older system groan? As HVAC components wear, system operation can grow louder over time. A new system will not only run more quietly, but recent improvements in insulation and operational volume can provide quieter, less-intrusive heating and cooling, particularly with Mitsubishi ductless air conditioners and heaters.
  • How Important is Having a Clean Home?
    A newer unit with improved filtration and a HEPA air filter addition can help you drastically reduce annoying dust buildup, alongside dust mites, dander, pollen, and other airborne contaminants. Learn more about improved filtration.
  • Do You Want to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality?
    Today’s HVAC systems feature variable speed fans, boosting air circulation, and subsequently air quality. This helps reduce asthma and allergy flare-ups and reduce the health risks associated with poor indoor air quality.
  • Do You Battle with Mold/Mildew in Your Home?
    By circulating air better, the variable speed fans in today’s systems help reduce humidity levels and moisture, keeping mold/mildew issues in-check in homes with an unusually sticky climate.

Still Concerned About The Cost?

According to the Department of Energy, heating and cooling are responsible for over half your monthly energy costs. However, with an investment in a newer, more efficient system, you could reduce these monthly costs, saving hundreds annually. The higher the SEER/EER rating on the system, the greater the savings. To help you mitigate the cost of a system upgrade and reduce your carbon footprint, many municipalities and electric companies offer rebates and incentives.
Time for an upgrade? Learn more about available incentives in your area and get a trustworthy quote on system upgrade cost from one of our HVAC installation service pros. Contact H & H Heating & Air Conditioning today.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Do You Need a Humidifier? The Signs Your Missing # Signs You Need a Humidifier

Cooler, dryer fall temperatures are moving in. Though you’re looking forward to a break from summer’s stifling humidity, sometimes dryer air falls into the ‘too much of a good thing’ category. Does your home need a humidifier?

Don’t Miss these 4 Key Signs that Your Home Needs a Humidifier

Because colder air cannot carry as much moisture as warm air, colder climates are naturally dryer. For this reason, most homes could benefit from a humidifier in the fall and winter months. Families often overlook the telltale signs of too much dryness: Humidity levels below the 40-60% relative humidity range. If you or your local air conditioning company notice any of these signs, it may be time for a humidifier:
  1. Shocking encounters with your family.
    Static electricity is a common indicator of an uncomfortably dry home environment.
  2. Dry, itchy skin, and chapped lips.
    Out of lotion and lip balm again? Miserable with seasonal eczema and psoriasis flare-ups? A humidifier could be just the relief your scaly, itchy skin is screaming for.
  3. Persistent cough & allergy-like symptoms.
    As dryness makes it way from the surface to the interior of your body, frequent nosebleeds, chronic cough, and allergy flare-ups can take their toll. Those with asthma and allergies are most frequently affected at this time, as the dryer air keeps irritating particles airborne. A furnace mount humidifier installation in Chaddsford can help soothe dry, irritated skin and interior mucosal membranes.
  4. Gaps and cracks in furniture, flooring, and structural components.
    Cracks in flooring, moldings, furniture, and more result when moisture is leached out of building materials, causing them to crack, shrink, warp, and weaken. A whole-house humidifier can protect the furnishings and structure of your home, adding essential moisture to the air to keep wood pliable.

Choosing A Home Humidifier

A home humidifier is an easy way to solve low humidity issues.
  • Standalone/Portable Humidifiers
    Standalone or portable units cost slightly less, but only maintain humidity levels in individual rooms. They are not a cost-effective means of humidifying your entire home, and require substantially more maintenance than whole-house humidifying systems, requiring frequent refilling and cleaning to avoid common humidifier concerns.
  • Whole House Humidifiers
    Whole house humidifiers attach directly to your furnace or heat pump system. They have their own water supply and require very little maintenance. Simply dial-in the ideal humidity level (40-60% relative humidity is recommended), and a whole house humidifier will deliver exactly what you need, distributing it through your home via your HVAC system.
Ensure a comfortable home over the fall and winter season with the help of your heating and air conditioning service. Contact H&H Heating & Air Conditioning and learn more about our affordable whole house humidifier options today.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Time for a Coil Cleaning? Here's How

For many homeowners, their HVAC system is out of sight, out of mind. Presumed to be hermetically sealed inside those giant metal boxes, heating and air conditioning units couldn’t possibly require that much cleaning and maintenance, right? Wrong. Far from hermetically sealed, your system is exposed to an array of dust and dirt from within and without your home. Without proper cleaning, including regularly cleaning AC coils, trouble is likely on the horizon.

Why Cleaning Coils at Summer’s End is an Essential HVAC Maintenance Task

What’s the big deal about a little dirt on AC coils? The main job of your coils is to transfer heat. The more dirt builds up on coils, the harder it is for your HVAC system to transfer heat. This means it has work harder to accomplish the task of keeping your home to temperature. All this extra strain on your system equates to:
  • Higher energy bills.
Because your system has to run longer to achieve the desired temperature. Click here to learn more about ways to lower your HVAC energy costs.
  • Refrigerant leaks.
    After remaining dirty for a while, coils corrode, leaking refrigerant into the atmosphere. This situation is not good for the earth, or your pocketbook. Without proper refrigerant levels, your system has to work longer and harder. Refrigerant is also costly to replace, especially if you have an older R-22 system. This refrigerant has been phased out due to environmental concerns.
  • Reduced comfort.
    Your coils play an integral role in removing uncomfortable humidity from your home. For this reason, dirty coils can lead to a sticky indoor environment, and all the consequences excess indoor humidity can lead to in the form of mold, mildew, and bacteria.
  • Shortened system life.
    The more you run your system, the faster key components such as the system’s fan and compressor will breakdown. Eventually, your system will overheat and fail, and you’ll find yourself shelling out for HVAC system replacement.

How To Clean Heating & AC Coils

AC coil cleaning is best performed once or twice a year, depending on use, in the spring and fall before temperature extremes put a strain on your system. Cleaning AC coils yourself can be a tempting task. However, the small fins on the coil are very delicate. Many well-meaning homeowners damage AC coils when attempting DIY coil cleaning, using the wrong chemicals or cleaning techniques. For this reason, coil cleaning by heating and cooling companies is recommended. The small cost of coil cleaning pales in comparison to the cost of coil replacement following a DIY cleaning attempt.
An HVAC service pro can also maintain other key components of your system while performing this task. A seasoned pro can make sure your system is up to snuff, identifying issues before they result in the need for emergency 24/7 HVAC repair.
Keep your system clean and lower your monthly energy costs with the help of the local air conditioning contractors at H & H Heating & Air Conditioning. Contact us today.